
"Bay-Friendly Landscaping is a whole systems approach to the design, construction and maintenance of the landscape in order to support the integrity of one of California's most magnificent ecosystems, the San Francisco Bay watershed.

The Bay-Friendly Qualified Landscape Professional can create and maintain healthy, beautiful and vibrant landscapes by:

  • Landscaping in harmony with the natural conditions of the San Francisco Bay watershed.
  • Reducing waste by recycling materials.
  • Nurturing healthy soils while reducing fertilizer use.
  • Conserving water, energy and topsoil.
  • Using integrated pest management to minimize chemical use.
  • Reducing stormwater runoff.
  • Creating wildlife habitat.

A well-designed and maintained Bay-Friendly Landscape can cost less to maintain in the long run by consuming fewer resources. For public spaces, Bay-Friendly Landscapes embody community values for health, wildlife and the environment. For private property, Bay-Friendly Landscaping addresses issues that clients care about, such as lower water or garbage bills as well as increased environmental benefits. 

The Bay-Friendly Qualified Landscape Professional is proactive; a part of the environmental solution. Bay-Friendly practices reduce water costs and landfill fees, while increasing the health of your landscape and garden." WWW.STOPWASTE.ORG